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First aid and related topics. New articles published several times a week.

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a serious condition that can lead to heart attack, stroke, and other health problems. As such, it is important to understand how to manage your blood pressure in your day-to-day lifestyle.


Keep blood pressure under control

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a serious condition that can lead to heart attack, stroke, and other health problems. As such, it is important to understand how to manage your blood pressure on a daily basis.

Opioids are a group of natural and synthetic compounds that have sedative and analgesic effects. They can often lead to dependence. It is important to know first aid for opioid overdoses, as casualties can stop breathing in a matter of minutes.


Opioid Overdose First Aid

Opioids are a group of natural and synthetic compounds that have sedative and analgesic effects. They can often lead to dependence. It is important to know first aid for opioid overdoses, as casualties can stop breathing in a matter of minutes.

Australian culture is geared around the Great Outdoors, as we are typically blessed with a temperate, dry climate, and we are home to a gorgeous array of native flora and fauna. However, the wild is full of potential dangers. It is important to stay safe.
General Health-Related

General Health-Related

Getting Out to The Outback

Australian culture is geared around the Great Outdoors, as we are typically blessed with a temperate, dry climate, and we are home to a gorgeous array of native flora and fauna. However, the wild is full of potential dangers. It is important to stay safe.

A febrile convulsion is a seizure that can occur when a child experiences a fever. It is not possible to predict or stop febrile convulsions. However, it is important to know first aid for febrile convulsions, so that you can reduce your child’s discomfort.


Febrile Convulsions First Aid

A febrile convulsion is a fit or seizure that can occur when a child experiences a fever. It is important to know first aid for febrile convulsions, so that you can reduce your child’s discomfort.

World Allergy Week highlights the severity of Anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis is an acute, potentially life threatening hypersensitivity reaction. It is important to know first aid for anaphylaxis, as the reaction develops rapidly.
Allergy and Asthma

Allergy and Asthma

World Allergy Week

World Allergy Week highlights the severity of Anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis is an acute, potentially life threatening hypersensitivity reaction. It is important to know first aid for anaphylaxis, as the reaction develops rapidly.

First aid is not just valuable in the workplace. It can help people become more attuned to potential hazards, to assess for the safest emergency response, and to prevent casualties from experiencing ongoing health complications.
First Aid Training

First Aid Training

Meaning and Importance of First Aid

First aid is not just valuable in the workplace. It can help people become more attuned to potential hazards, to assess for the safest emergency response, and to prevent casualties from experiencing ongoing health complications.

Beware of conditions that could arise from pollen exposure
General Health-Related

General Health-Related

Springtime in Australia is problematic for many people

Springtime in Australia also means being exposed to elements that could prove problematic or even hazardous to your health. To help you keep yourself safe and healthy enough to enjoy the wonderful weather, take heed of this list of top 5 safety tips for when springtime comes rolling along.

Getting the required amount of sleep is important to our physical and mental wellbeing. By changing a few lifestyle factors, you can drastically improve your quality of sleep. This can include setting yourself a bedtime schedule and pre-bedtime routine.


5 Tips for Better Sleep

Many people are deprived of good quality sleep. This is concerning, as sleep is essential to our physical and mental wellbeing. Improving the quality of your sleep is as simply as changing a few lifestyle habits.

Dental trauma refers to any injuries to the mouth or mouth area, including the lips, gums, jawbones, tongue, and teeth. Dental injuries are typically very painful and can result in ongoing complications. They should receive prompt first aid treatment.


What is Dental Trauma

Ignoring a dental injury can cause serious long-term effects on the mouth and increase the risk of permanent damage. It is essential to get checked out even if it is believed not to be a cause for concern.

Unintentional poisonings typically occur in children aged 1 to 3. Poisoning symptoms can vary from one casualty to the next. For mild cases of poisoning, wherein the casualty shows no signs of discomfort, contact the Poison Information Hotline for advice.


How to Treat Poisoning

Every year thousands of Australians seek medical attention due to either being poisoned outdoors or in the home, which is why our team have provided these valuable tips for poison safety.

Sleep deprivation is not getting the required amount of sleep for your body to function correctly. Long-term lack of sleep can affect your ability to function and your quality of life. Sleep deprivation can be caused by lifestyle and environmental factors.


The Dangers of Sleep Deprivation

Sleep deprivation is not getting the required amount of sleep for your body to function correctly. Long-term lack of sleep can affect your health and quality of life. As such, it is important to adopt good sleeping habits.

Vaccines are design to stimulate the production of antibodies to provide immunity against an infectious disease. Flu vaccines comprise inactive versions of flu viruses, and a variety of ingredients that enhance their purity, potency, and effectiveness.


What is in the Flu Vaccine - Ingredients

Flu viruses can change their surface structure from one year to the next. As such, new flu vaccines are developed each year. Flu vaccines comprise numerous ingredients that aid their development, purity, and efficacy.